To create a Single Sign-On on AWS follow the steps below:
- Open Azure Active Directory: and enter on Enterprise application:
- Click on “New application” search for AWS Single-Account Access and then click on “Create“
- Once it´s done, access the new application
- Click on the left menu, access “Single Sign-on” and select the SSO method to SAML
- As soon SAML is open you will receive a notification “Save single sign-on setting“. Click on Yes.
After the warning of save successfully, refresh the page… It will display the Identifier and Reply URL correctly.
- Scroll down to step 03 and download Federation Metadata XML. We´ll use it on AWS. Don´t forget to double-check the notification email.
- Go back to AAD, and create an assigned security group. Assign the users to it and take note of the name of the group because we´ll use it with SSO on AWS.
- It´s time to setup the AWS. Open the AWS console with your ROOT ACCOUNT
- Once you are in, search for IAM
- On left panel, open Identity providers
- Select on provider type select SAML,
- Give a name for your Provider – in my case, I called AzureAD
- From the Metadata document, choose the XML that you download from Azure
- and then click on Add Provider
- Access again the provider. Now we´ll add the IAM role to it.
- Click on Assign role
- Create a new role – > NEXT
- Select SAM 2.0 Federation
- SAML Provider -> select the name of the Provider – in my case AzureAD
- Check “Allow programmatic and AWS Management Console Access“
- On the next page search for the permission that you want to assign to users when they log in. I used the system administrator here.
- At review page, write the role name
- REMEMBER: If you don´t do it this way it won’t going to work…
- Now we need to create a new Policy.
- Select Policies from left menu
- and click on Create Policy:
- Change the view to JSON and paste the data below:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:ListRoles" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
- Policy Name: AzureAD_SSOUserRole_Policy
- Now we need to create a user with API access.
- On left menu click on Users and ADD USERS
- User name: AzureADRoleManager
- Permission options: Attach policies directly
- Select the policy that we created before: AzureAD_SSO_user_role_Policy
- Click on next to review and create.
- Access the new user again
- Go to Security Credentials and click on Create Access Key
- Select the use case Other
- Click on Create Access Key
- At the next screen, take note of the Access Key and Secret Access Key. We´ll use it back on Azure AD.
- Back to Azure -> Access the Enterprise Application and open the app AWS Single-Account Access
- Go to Provisioning -> Get- started
- Change the Provisioning Mode: Automatic
- Admin Credentials:
- clientsecret: AWS-ACCESS-KEY
- Both you get from user that you create on AWS
- Click on Test Connection -> Save
- Go out from the Provisioning screen and access again – It´s necessary just to refresh the page.
- Now click on Edit Provisioning
- Turn on Provision Status
- At last, Go to Users and Groups from the enterprise application and add who is going to have access.
- If you don´t have Azure AD Premium you cannot add a GROUP here.
- The users must be members of the security group even if it is added manually at Users and Groups from the enterprise application.
- The security group must be direct members
- You must wait the provision time of synchronization (could take up to 40min)
- To test, access the: end click on AWS icon